Meadow seed mix
Convert boring grass to an incredible, vibrant and exciting species rich meadow.
Service Description
Introducing Rewild Garden Design's premium seed mix – this is a lower priced alternative for clients looking to convert larger areas or for those who are happy to wait for their meadow to develop over time. Our seed mix can transform your lawn into a breathtaking and biodiverse meadow! Say farewell to conventional grass lawns, put away the lawn mower and welcome the beauty and functionality of a low maintenance, high impact, vibrant wildflower meadow. Price includes removal and recycling of existing turf, supply and installation of new pre-blended wildflower seed and weed free compost mix as well as ongoing care guide. Ongoing maintenance contracts are available at additional cost. Minimum order of 30m2 applies.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. This can be done via email, WhatsApp message or over the phone.
Contact Details
12 Swaine Hill Street, Yeadon, Leeds, UK